Monday, February 14, 2011

The "Snow Day Suggestions" Saga Continues...

Over the past week, the Star News published several new responses and articles related to my letter to the editor, both online and in print. Here are the links to all of them:

Article in Response

"School systems have hands tied when it comes to makeup days" is the headline that accompanies this article, which, of course, drew my attention. But it was the first sentence that assured me my letter was at least part of the impetus for its creation:
"This winter's snowy weather left some parents questioning how area school systems plan for missed days and schedule make-up days."
I believe "some parents" refers to the moms I spoke of in my letter. Thanks for the answers, Mr. Gonzales! (2/2/11)

Editorial (in agreement)

Headline: "When Mother Nature (or electrical problems) cause havoc, schools need flexibility" (2/7/11)

The Snarkiness Continues

For those of you who read the response from my last blog post and thought it was uncalled for, you may not want to read this one. It's written by a fellow Northerner and it is not very friendly. (2/10/11)

Southern Hospitality?

This letter was written by my mom, under her maiden name. She was tired of the nevative responses and decided to write a rebuttal. Her prose is biting as always, and only matched by her sharp wit. I think she put the nay-sayers in their place quite well. What do you think, readers? (2/10/11)

Thank you for your interest in my letter and the responses it received! I greatly appreciated all of those who read it for themselves.

Happy Valentines Day,

})i({ Renee Tutterfly })i({

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Letter to the Editor

This morning, I was reading the opinion section of the Wilmington Star News when I stumbled upon a letter to the editor that appeared to be in response to a letter I had submitted. However, I thought it must be a coincidence, since I had not received notification that my letter had been published online, and I knew from reading the paper that it had not been published in print.

But just to be sure, I went to the Star News website and searched my name - and there it was, my letter to the editor! I was very excited to see my name on the byline, especially since I had long given up the hope of seeing it published. Even though I had to submit my e-mail and home address, and even my phone number, I did not recieve any form of notification that my piece had been selected for online publication. That may be the subject of my next letter...

Letter to the Editor: Snow Day Suggestions

Anyway, I hope you enjoy my letter. I certainly enjoyed writing it! The only thing I didn't like about it was how much I had to cut out - only 1500 characters are allowed, and the letter I submitted to my Journalism teacher was fleshed out quite a bit more. Still, I think I got my main idea across.

Oh, and here is the (somewhat snitty) response that helped me discover my letter's publication:

Response: How they did it up North

Happy reading,
})i({ Tutterfly })i({