Thursday, February 3, 2011

Letter to the Editor

This morning, I was reading the opinion section of the Wilmington Star News when I stumbled upon a letter to the editor that appeared to be in response to a letter I had submitted. However, I thought it must be a coincidence, since I had not received notification that my letter had been published online, and I knew from reading the paper that it had not been published in print.

But just to be sure, I went to the Star News website and searched my name - and there it was, my letter to the editor! I was very excited to see my name on the byline, especially since I had long given up the hope of seeing it published. Even though I had to submit my e-mail and home address, and even my phone number, I did not recieve any form of notification that my piece had been selected for online publication. That may be the subject of my next letter...

Letter to the Editor: Snow Day Suggestions

Anyway, I hope you enjoy my letter. I certainly enjoyed writing it! The only thing I didn't like about it was how much I had to cut out - only 1500 characters are allowed, and the letter I submitted to my Journalism teacher was fleshed out quite a bit more. Still, I think I got my main idea across.

Oh, and here is the (somewhat snitty) response that helped me discover my letter's publication:

Response: How they did it up North

Happy reading,
})i({ Tutterfly })i({

1 comment:

  1. Well I finished reading the reply post and all I have to say is, that guy is just mad because your opinion is worth publishing and his opinion isn't. It can only be heard through a small minded comment that he could post as a response to your publishable thoughts... so that's what I think =D
