Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Tutterfly Says Hello

Hello, and thank you for viewing my newly created blog, The Tutterfly Times. I've never created a blog post before, so please bear with me as I learn the ways of the accomplished blogger.

Don't worry, I promise not to plague you with the inconsequential, unimportant details of my everyday life. I hate reading blogs that include such fabulous headlines as "I washed my dog today" or " I went grocery shopping and used 173 coupons" or the ever-"rivetting" home improvement blogs with such posts as "stapled my hand to the headboard...oops! off the the emergency room." Frankly, aside from a friendly concern that my friend survive his hand-stapling ordeal, I have no interest in the ordinary, unusual and in every way dull goings on that each and every human being must deal with on a daily basis.

That being said, I hereby promise to post interesting and/or meaningful posts about things that are relevant...or just plain hilarious. My mission is to bring to my followers, official and unofficial alike, a collection of thought-provoking, or at the very least entertaining, material.

Renee Tutterfly })i({


  1. Welcome to the world of blogging! :)

  2. I love it! Yay for extraordinary! :D You could use a blog to promote your jewelry business too! :D
